Shaddock Maxima Sapindales (Ultraviolet Grasslands)

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I'm probably not the right person to play this game with most other folks who would play this game. Maybe I'm not reading it correctly. Maybe I've fixated too much on the wrong thing. But one thing, my sense of humour, other than puns and dad jokes, is dark. My sense of weird hews more away from something just being funny, unexpected, or juxtaposed. I never grokked either Toon nor Teenagers from Outer Space. I totally enjoyed Paranoia. Playing TMNT at my table is black and white Eastman and Laird first run, and that generation of black and white indy comics, and nothing of the bright colours, slapstick, and absurdity of cartoon ninja turtles. Or, think Judge Dredd and Rogue Trooper. Which isn't to say no one laughs and funny doesn't happen, but that's the natural outcome of games, and not the agenda. I can do weird. I can do bizarre. Strange. Eerie. Cosmic horror.

But I can see a lot of UVG that I'm going to enjoy just soloing it my weird way. It has a lot of the eerie, strange, bizarre, and yes, psychedelic that I would enjoy. It doesn't give me the gonzo vibe that that Dungeon Crawl Classics and Mutant Crawl Classics RPGs seem to revel in. 

All I have here is the bare minimum of character. A name. A basic idea. No clue about life yet because I have not fully comprehended the setting. I'll get to it. Making Shad made me intrigued enough about this game that I want to know more.


Name: Shaddock Maxima Sapindales


  • Friends: none yet
  • Enemies: none that he knows of yet
  • Title: ?
  • Species: Human (Steppelander)
  • Looks: Bald, tall and broad, mottled yellowish-to-light orange complexion, brilliant pink-red eyes
  • Debt: ?
  • Likes: ?

Experience: 0

Level: 0


  • Strength: 1
  • Endurance: 2
  • Agility: 1
  • Charisma: 1
  • Aura: 1
  • Thought: 2


  • Apothecary
  • Foraging
  • Safe Driving


  • None


  • Manual of the vechs, annotated with scribbles

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