Quinn Faulkner, Data Wrangler aboard Space Mom's Loving Endeavour of Bountiful Harmony (Vultures)

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I'm usually not into rules-lite games, but Vultures' weirdo, post-galactic apocalypse interstellar utopia/dystopia has just enough rules and a compelling enough premise to actually hook me. 

The problem is, with so many rules-lite games, I immediately think how they could be made better if they were stapled onto other rules. 

Vultures cries to be added to Traveller, Palladium's Three Galaxies intergalactic milieu, Stargrave, Five Parsecs from Home, Stars Without Number, and Spacemaster, all thrown in the blender. No. Wrong analogy. I like parfait better than smoothies.  Layers.

It's a game that's fully engaged with "the conversation". Success requires justifying how your made up skills are actually relevant. The point is to confront social problems as characters are directed to do potentially unethical things by an inhuman and supreme overlord. 

Hmm. What was the author's thought process, naming that overlord Space Mom? And why does the rule book end, signed Dad? 

Ah, I'm thinking too much. Space Mom and Dad probably have pills, music, and a book for me to smooth out the meat.


Name: Quinn Faulkner

Background: mech pilot

Crew Position: Data Wrangler

Damage: 1


  • Pilot Giant Killer Robots +2
  • Jury Rig Robotic Machinery +2
  • Communicate with Our Friends and Co-workers the AIs/Machines +2
  • Discombobulate Random Noise and Comprehend Meaningful Data +2


  • Next of kin
  • none made yet


  • Body Camera - to record all you see and send back to your ship, duplicated and sent to Space Mom for review
  • GPS Locator - to record all position data and send back to your ship, monitored closely by Space Mom for review
  • Happy Pills - to keep the mood up
  • Grieving Pills - to keep the bad feels away
  • No-Sleep Pills - to avoid the useless task of human sleep
  • Food-in-a-Can - for when you need to eat
  • Youth Smoothie - for when you need to rejuvenate your aging meat sack
  • Space Mom Ambient Album - for your listening pleasure
  • Freudian Philosophy Texts - for learning about meat brains and their heretical desires
  • Your Place in the Class Hierarchy - understanding Space Mom master strategy
  • No Love for Rebels - understand Space Mom stance on the Before
  • Artificial Friend - for when you feel the pain of human loneliness
  • Electro-Baton - standard issue, shocks and harms individuals who stand against Space Mom

Ship: Loving Endeavour of Bountiful Harmony

  • Life Support – d8
    • Oxygen supply, food growth, and things like plumbing.
  • Warp Drive Containment – d6
    • Contains the warp core to hinder its escape.
  • Ship Board A.I. – d4
    • The captain, pilot, and commander of the ship and crew, must be respected at all times.
  • Data Prison – d12
    • Where all information, coding, and artificial data is locked away to keep it from rebelling again.
  • Fuel – d10
    • Where the oil, milk, and star-blood is stored to propel the ship beyond lightspeed.
  • Engines – d20
    • The twin war machines repurposed to power the ship, hand selected to not hate each other as often.



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