Lynndehlia Greenmeadow, Wildwood Halfling Druid (Pathfinder 2e)

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Work got busy. Life got busy. Etc, etc, etc. So I'm taking the easy path and just going to post a screenshot image of the PDF character sheet as exported from Pathbuilder

Honestly, automation tools for character creation and game management are indispensable. I wanted so many of the existing tools forty years ago, and it was one of my primary motivations to begin coding. 

I don't need Ability Scores (Attributes, Characteristics, etc) rolled for me unless it's to generate a group of NPCs. I like to roll dice, and I think almost everyone in the role-playing game and war game hobbies do as well. 

Plugging numbers into a character sheet either online or offline and having bonuses and penalties calculated for me, having lists populated, and options enumerated, makes character creation a lot easier. I would have played more, and I would be a lot more interested in returning to the task of being a GM if there were extensive tools available. 


This is an example of a character built just to build a character. Pathfinder 2e is new to me, though I've been sitting on the rules for a few years. Regrettably, I don't have much of an idea where this character will fit in my solo game. 

Since my PC is exiled to the Darklands - a likely death sentence itself, even if the assassin sent with him doesn't kill him - it's a little unlikely Lynndehlia will be encountered there. That would require a few exceptional rolls on oracles.

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