Karrad Brekkon, Thief Concept (Advanced Fighting Fantasy)

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I barely recall the Fighting Fantasy books existing, but looking over the Advanced Fighting Fantasy game, it rings a bell as something I tried briefly and moved on to other things. Probably without even realizing it was part of the same adventure game bucket as Dungeons & Dragons.

I've barely scratched the surface of the core rule book. I have no idea yet what the world of Titan is like nor the civilizations that exist upon it. 


Karrad is short and fat and has been since his tenth year, mostly due to inactivity and being well-fed. Both of those come from his parents being functionaries in the city guilds and doing everything in their very little power to install Karrad into a lifelong position, likewise being a functionary in the city guilds. While he appreciates their efforts, for years he has found the life to be both thankless and unrewarding in any sense of the word. He watches his parents aging with little hope of retiring before they die. He expects to care for them as they age, and he's satisfied to do so, but he foresees he will be alone when they are gone. Some time ago he resolved that it would not be enough to follow his family's trade of scratching numbers and names on scrolls, writing letters for others, carrying messages, or scribing records. He was in a position to take advantage of those who took advantage of all others. Why not do so.

Hero Name: Karrad Brekkon

Race: Human

Description: Adventurer

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 196lbs

Social Class: 4, clerk, scribe, etc


  • Skill
    • Initial: 7
    • Current:
  • Stamina
    • Initial: 10
    • Current:
  • Luck
    • Initial: 11
    • Current:
  • Magic:
    • Initial: 2
    • Current:
  • Magic Points
    • Initial: 6
    • Current:

Special Skills:

  • Combat/Armour 1 (8)
  • Combat/Staves 2 (9)
  • Movement/Dodge 1 1/0  2/0  3/0  4/0  5/0  6/1  7+/2
  • Movement/Climb 1
  • Stealth/Awareness 2
  • Stealth/Sneaking 2
  • Stealth/Trap Knowledge 1
  • Stealth/Locks 1
  • Knowledge/World Lore 1
  • Knowledge/City Lore 1
  • Knowledge/Religion Lore 1
  • Knowledge/Common Speech 4
  • Knowledge/Bargain 1
  • Magic/Magic-Minor


  • Learned (+2 all Knowledge Special Skill tests)


  • burn
  • push
  • secrete


  • leather cuirass 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0 5/1 6/1 7+/2


  • quarterstaff 1/1  2/2  3/3  4/3  5/3  6/3  7+/4


  • 6 gold pieces
  • staff
  • leather cuirass 
  • lantern 
    • flask of oil
  • backpack
  • provisions (2 meals)
  • potion of stamina

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