Danton Kelask of Swordbreak (Ironsworn)

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Where: Swordbreak village, Tempest Hills region of the Ironlands

Descriptors: ambitious, jealous


  • Edge: 1
  • Heart: 2
  • Iron: 1
  • Shadow: 2
  • Wits: 3


  • Health: 5
  • Spirit: 5
  • Supply: 5
  • Momentum: 2


  • Long Term Goal (Background): Heal thyself / Get stronger
  • Short Term Goal (Immediate Situation/Inciting Incident): mysterious deaths, possibly murders


  • Clan
  • Shield Brothers


  • Path: Druidic Influence
  • Path: Scholar
  • Path: Earthborn


  • The Old World - THIS is the Old World and WE have always been here. The Others are from a place that they call the Old World, and ours is the place they call the New. 
  • Iron - WE are the iron in the hills. The weather is bleak. Rain and wind sweep in from the ocean. The winters are long and bitter. One of the Others said of their kind, "Only those made of iron dare live in this foul place". They said this of themselves, thinking they were strong, but they did not think that we dwelt here since the beginning. 
  • Legacies: The Others are not the first. The First Others came and were broken. These new Others think WE are the same as the First Others and call all of us the Broken. Some of them will become Broken, some of them will become us. As it always has been.


Danton has had a hard life as the weakest member of his clan but has vowed to prove his mettle - both to the three shield brothers who have stood by his side and to spit in the faces of all those who have spat upon him. He has a Broken name, and no one allows him to forget it.


This is a new character, stats, location, descriptors, and name randomly generated. After that I selected the vows, bonds, and assets which I thought fit the rest. Completing the world truths was taking a while so I stopped as this much gives his clan enough identity to play from.

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