Games - NPC Decision Making - Bartle Types as Traits

In “Guide to Playing Alone” Kenny Norris (free, link to DriveThruRPG) asks the solo role player to ask themselves, “So, who are you: Heart, Club, Diamond, or Spade?” The suggestion has been made that a solo role player can also use Bartle types as part of a player emulator. I’m going to ask you something different. Who are your NPCs? I believe that more immersion in solo roleplay is a desirable outcome and that it is achieved by assigning Bartle types not to a player object but directly to the character. Bartle Types are four classifications of preferred play styles and player motivations in games. I also see it as a way of classifying participation in any activity. Sports, professions, social interaction. They do not have to be exclusive. In fact, it could be far more interesting to give every character a score in each of the four suits. In a way this is going to act like the player emulator some solo role players are looking for. But to ...