Hack - Kobo Aura SleepCover Repair

Even though I do most of my reading on a phone these days - it's just always with me - I still adore and get some good use from this old Kobo Aura. I probably don't use it in the manner Rakuten intended. The only way I read on this device is DRM free EPUBs loaded on the micro-SD card. The books are never synced online. My first exposure to mobile e-reading was on a Palm IIIe in 2000-2001. I distinctly remember having a copy of both The Art of War and a very poetic translation of the Dao De Jing. My recollection is they were PRC files loaded direct to the device using the old Palm Desktop software. Since then, I've moved through a Sony Palm OS PDA, a Windows CE PDA, three Android phones, an Aluratek Libre e-reader, an iPad, and now an iPhone. It seems obscene when I write that down. Four PDA/tablets, four phones, and two dedicated e-readers. Two of the Android phones are dead, one under warranty. The first and last were repurposed for side loaded indy games. The i...